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OU Virak

Ms. Nay Darlin is a lecturer at the Department of International Studies of the Royal University of Phnom Penh and a young researcher at Future Forum. In 2018, she wrote a thesis on the rise of China and ASEAN centrality as part of the honors program while completing her Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations at the Royal University of Phnom Penh. After completing a certificate program in International Economics at the same university, she became a co-author for a research paper titled “Developing Cambodia’s Digital Economy: Youth’s Perspective" which was presented at the National Bank’s 7th Annual NBC Macroeconomic Conference in 2020. Her research interests are tourism and the digital economy. In addition to public policy issues, she is also interested in foreign policy and Southeast Asian studies.

NAY Darlin

Young Research Fellow (2021)


BA in International Relations (honors), and in International Economics (certificate program), IFL, RUPP

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