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News, Events, & Opportunities

Jun 1, 2021
Op-Ed: "Vaccinating Southeast Asia’s migrant workers isn’t just right, it’s common sense"
THONG Sariputta was published in the SEA Globe with an op-ed advocating that migrant workers be prioritized for Covid-19 vaccinations.

May 29, 2021
Op-Ed: "How Cambodia’s agricultural lending can get a bigger bang for its buck"
Future Forum's NITH Kosal was published in the East Asia Forum on May 29th with an op-ed on the gap between farmers and financial support.

May 26, 2021
Commentary: "Rising Inflation Threatens to Swamp Cambodian Households"
NITH Kosal was published in The Diplomat with a commentary uncovering how many Cambodian households are at risk from rising inflation.

May 20, 2021
Op-Ed: "Phnom Penh should be a city designed for humans, not cars"
In his op-ed in the SEA Globe, SES Aronsakda urges authorities to stop and consider a more human-focused urban plan for Phnom Penh.

May 18, 2021
Commentary: "Yubi — Yes, This Is the Way It Has Been"
THEANG Soriya was published in VOD News on May 18th with her commentary on violence against women working in the entertainment industry.

May 4, 2021
Commentary: "Lockdown’s Food Security Crisis Must Address Demand and Supply"
NITH Kosal and LAY Kimly's commentary in VOD discusses the double Covid-19 and food security crises affecting vulnerable households.

Apr 7, 2021
Op-Ed: "Would Access to Cambodia’s Ream Naval Base Really Benefit China?"
CHEN Heang's op-ed in The Diplomat discusses the implications of the potential establishment of a Chinese naval base in Cambodia.

Apr 6, 2021
Op-Ed: "Cambodia’s economic recovery uncertain amid Covid"
NITH Kosal's op-ed was published in the Phnom Penh Post discussing the state of Cambodia's economy in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis.

Mar 19, 2021
Commentary: "Domestic Violence in Elite Families Is Often Made Invisible"
Future Forum's THEANG Soriya was published in VOD News with an op-ed on the problem of domestic violence amongst the Cambodian elite.

Mar 18, 2021
Op-Ed: "Covid-19 Pandemic Supports Case for Decriminalizing Sex Work"
It's time to prioritize the safety and wellbeing of sex workers by giving them the freedom to work without fear of prosecution.

Mar 16, 2021
Op-Ed: "Cambodia will lose its fight against deforestation if change isn’t made"
NITH Kosal was published in the Southeast Asia Globe on March 16th with an op-ed on strategies needed to halt deforestation in Cambodia.

Mar 8, 2021
Op-Ed: "For Gender Equality, Engage and Help Men to Embrace Change"
THEANG Soriya was published in VOD News with an op-ed on the roles men can -- and should play -- in advancing gender equality in Cambodia.

Feb 15, 2021
Commentary: "Society’s Slow-Changing Views Sow Discord as Husbands’ Roles Shift"
Future Forum's THEANG Soriya was published in VOD News on February 15th with an op-ed on gender roles in contemporary Cambodian society.

Mar 8, 2020
Opinion: How Some Cambodian Women Contribute to the Patriarchy
Future Forum's Theang Soriya was published in VOD English on March 8th. Check out the original article here, and read it below! During a...

Aug 18, 2019
Addressing stereotypes: Harmful gender norms in Cambodia
Future Forum's Leabphea Chin was published in The Phnom Penh Post on August 18th 2019. Check out the original article here, and read it...
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