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Consultancy Announcement: Research Advisors

Future Forum is seeking Research Advisor to support Young Research Fellows by providing guidance, feedback/comments, and editing support to the research outputs such as commentary, policy snapshots, and policy briefs. 

Qualifications and Experience

  1. Experience: Publications (research paper, policy briefs, commentaries, reports…) and coaching and mentoring 

  2. Education: Master’s minimum, PhD prefer

  3. Skills/Competencies:

  • Research skills, public policy, (social) sciences;

  • Mentoring and coaching;

  • Clear communication skills in a multicultural team;

  • Excellent organisational and management skills. Very well organised and structured work style; 

  • Fluency in oral and written English;

  • Able to work both independently and as part of a team;

  • Fully computer literate

Research Output Fee

Remuneration is paid based on output basis as agreed with the President.

How to apply:

Please send your CV and a cover letter to by June 20, 2024.


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