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OU Virak

Muyngim Eng has a Bachelors in Pharmacy from the University of Health Science, Phnom Penh and a Master in Physical Activity and Health Science from the University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France along with her work experience in pharmacy, community and public health and adapted physical activity. Her focus is on “green prescriptions” and how physical activity can contribute to better health for communities. She is a UNESCO youth & sport task force member and was recently awarded a grant to write culturally responsive physical activity guidelines for Cambodians based on the WHO strategy. Muyngim has experience with managing research projects and teams such as for Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) on the impact of the Behaviour Change Communication Towards clean cooking among rural Cambodian households; proposal writing and management of recruitment and data collection for a Youth Leadership Program ‘Just for Kicks’ with Children’s Future; a major role as co-ordinating the Youth Mental Health project at UP; and worked on a research project (Fullbright research associate) on the performance of COVID-19 diagnostics in Cambodia with University of California, Davis, USA.

Muyngim ENG

Program Coordinator


Bachelors in Pharmacy from the University of Health Science, Master in Physical Activity and Health Science from the University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France along


Public health -, food sciences, sports, and environment

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